
Sandra, 54 years old

The CPAP machine changed my life to a 100%. I sleep better and feel more rested. I can’t go a night without that machine, I bring it everywhere I go even if it’s just for one night. Also, me and my spouse don’t need to sleep in separate rooms anymore.

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Denis, 50 years old

  Since I sleep with my CPAP machine I no longer need to sleep during the day and I do not need to stop on the side of the road to take naps. Also, my wife sleeps better since I no longer snore.

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Roy, 61 years old

  Since I started using the CPAP it changed my life completely, I start my day without fatigue, no afternoon naps and I can drive without drowsiness. I see life in a much more positive way.

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Vienna, 49 years old

In my experience with Maritime Sleep Clinic, the staff and therapists have made the utmost effort to listen to problems I am experiencing! Their expertise and the quality of their equipment has given me confidence in working with them to improve my sleep disorder and have always felt professionally cared for.

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Ulric, 58 years old

I’m happy to say that my CPAP therapy is going well because it’s giving me peace of mind that I’m finally breathing normally during the night, giving my heart a break. I do have to mention also that the staff at the Maritime Sleep Clinic is very friendly, professional and informative.

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Danny, 49 ans

  J’avais vraiment oublié le sentiment d’être bien reposé. Depuis que j’ai commencé mon traitement CPAP, je n’ai plus besoin de faire de siestes pendant la journée et en soirée, puis mon niveau d’énergie a augmenté. Quelle différence!

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